Dear Brethren,
I want to thank the 31 brothers that attended our first lodge ZOOM meeting of 2021! Jeff Slike, WM from Friendship Lodge No 663 did a fantastic job presenting his research on the story behind the Friend to Friend monument at Gettysburg!
At the last 42nd District Zoom meeting, Jan 11th, Darrin D Catts DDGM polled the Masters and other officers to decide whether to start live meetings and conduct business in the lodges. It was determined that due to the upswing in cases of COVID19 in York and Adams counties we would hold off another month to see how things are going. I have to agree and feel we need to keep our membership safe!
Our next meeting will also be on Zoom, Thursday 4th at 7:30PM.(please see the link below) Our program is entitled “ The Masonic Round Table: Digital Masonic Education Going Strong Seven Years Strong. Brothers Jason M. Richards, Mike Hambrecht and Robert Johnson will be presenting. The Masonic Roundtable is a weekly panel of Masons from around the United States who discuss the latest and greatest in Masonic news, events, scholarship, and happenings. Follow them on YouTube
If you have paid your 2021 dues, thanks so much! Aside from the life-long friendships and fellowship enjoyed in the lodge, your membership in Pennsylvania Freemasonry entitles you, your spouse, your widow, your mother, your daughter and your sister to total living and health care, independent or assisted living care, nursing home care, rehabilitation and specialized care for those with Alzheimer’s Disease for the rest of their lives- regardless of their ability to pay should the need arise. Our Masonic Villages provide this high quality service to our members and their families! As of this date there are 55 who have not paid. If you are having financial difficulties keeping you from paying your dues please do not hesitate contacting me! (717-515-4322)
Kelly Henshaw is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Red Lion Lodge No. 649 Meeting
Time: Feb 4, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 6466 7918
Passcode: RL649
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