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Thu, Mar 04



March ZOOM meeting

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Time & Location

Mar 04, 2021, 7:00 PM


About the event

Dear Brethren,

We had a great turn out for our February Zoom Meeting in which we had a presentation from three brothers from the Masonic Round Podcast. The Masonic Roundtable is a weekly panel of Masons from around the United States who discuss the latest and greatest in Masonic news, events, scholarship, and happenings. Follow them on YouTube

Here is a portion of the remarks from 42nd District Zoom meeting, Feb 10th,  Darrin D Catts DDGM reported:

As promised in last month’s message, I’d like to inform the members of the 42nd Masonic District the status of our reopening plans. We scheduled an online zoom meeting for Wednesday February 10 with the WM’s and wardens of each of the district lodges. Prior to this online gathering, I had reached out and spoken with the WM’s. I asked for each of them to share with me their honest thoughts on the ability to safely reopen our lodges in March. I will share with you that the responses from the WM’s was pretty evenly split between reopening now, versus waiting one more month. With that input in my mind, I researched the COVID numbers for York and Adams counties. I discovered that right around 25% of the total positive numbers for each county had occurred in the last 30 days. These numbers surprised me a bit and clearly indicated that community spread is still a problem in our region. I shared this information with those on the zoom meeting and stated that we will not be reopening for Stated, Special or Extra Meetings in March. I informed the officers that we could begin holding smaller scale events such as officer training, mentoring sessions, Hall Association meetings and gatherings like that. These would still be required to adhere to all guidelines that are still in place like social distancing, proper sanitation, masks, and participant limitations. I encouraged them to reach out to those candidates and petitioners who have been delayed attempting to keep them engaged by scheduling mentoring sessions whenever possible.

Since our lodge will be closed again for in-person stated and extra meetings we will meet again via ZOOM, Thursday March 4th at 7:30PM. (please see the link at the end of this email)

We will be having two speakers that evening first Bro. Jason Martin PM from Ephrata Lodge 665 will present a Masonic Minute, “Postage Stamps of the Past with a Masonic Twist”. I’m happy to report that Jason is in the process of petitioning Red Lion Lodge for duel membership! (please see his bio at the end)

Our program speaker is our own Bro. Sam Laucks PM. Sam will be presenting a great program on the “Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918”  Sam gave this same program to the Hi Twelve group and I wanted to share it with you all!

Lastly I am happy to report that the officers and mentors are meeting at the lodge on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM to practice ritual. (we are knocking off the cobwebs after so many months of not meeting)

ZOOM Link:

Kelly Henshaw is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Red Lion Lodge No 649  Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 4, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 5659 7764

Passcode: 261543

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Meeting ID: 831 5659 7764

Passcode: 261543

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Sincerely and Fraternally,

Kelly A. Henshaw, WM

Jason A. Martin

-Past Master of Ephrata Lodge No. 665

-Raised February 1998 in Rockford Illinois -Senior DeMolay and Chevalier from Campbell Chapter, San Jose, California -Assistant principal instructor of the First Masonic District -Author to the Ritualistic Floorwork for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania -Past High Priest of Lancaster Royal Arch Chapter No. 43 -Current Principal Conductor of Work (equivalent to the JW) of Lebanon Council No. 27 of Royal and Select Master Masons -Current Sword Bearer of Lancaster Commandery No. 13 -Member of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Lancaster Forest -Member and ritual contributor for the Scottish Rite, Lancaster Lodge of Perfection -Member and ritual contributor for the Scottish Rite, Valley of Harrisburg

I have a passion and enthusiasm for the Craft, especially in the ritual, but I enjoy talking about the Craft in general.  I find pleasure in seeing our beautiful craft throughout my daily walk in life through history and symbols that are commonplace to the uninitiated. Since 2014, I have managed a stamp collecting for kids website for my father and through it I decided to start my own Masonic stamp collection.  As my interest in stamp collecting progressed, and wanting to dispense Masonic light and knowledge with my brethren, I found fun ways to share stamps by putting together personalized presentations, the largest in 2017 for Bro. Raymond T. Dietz, RWPGM where over 200 stamps were used. In 2017 I began the personalized presentations for the 50, 60, and 70 members of the lodge and in 2019 began making presentations for several lodges.

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